Great War at Sea: South China Sea (2008)

Doug McNair, Kevin Canada
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Время игры
~120 мин
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Описание «Great War at Sea: South China Sea»

From the website

Fleets are usually built with one purpose in mind: to protect their owner's maritime trade, and deny such trade to their nation's enemies. The United States and Great Britain gave great thought to how they would protect their own trade and interrupt that of the other nation, in case the two English-speaking powers ever came to war.

South China Sea is a Great War at Sea supplement based on these plans, which were taken much more seriously by the Americans than by the British. Just like similar supplements for the Panzer Grenadier series, each scenario has its own card in a spiral-bound booklet. Unlike other Great War at Sea games, each scenario also has its own unique set of ship data, gathering all the "hit records" necessary to play on one sheet.

Designer Kevin Canada has crafted ten scenarios, or separate game situations, based on battles that could have taken place between American and British forces in the Far East during a potential naval war in the early 1920s — the same conflict we studied in Great War at Sea: Sea of Troubles. This module is not playable by itself, but requires ownership of Sea of Troubles as well as our Jutland and Plan Gold games to enjoy all of the scenarios.


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