Guerra lampo: WWII in 20 minuti (2017)

Paolo Mori
Построение колоды/мешка/движка, Имитация событий, Размещение тайлов
Время игры
~20 мин
Количество игроков

Описание «Guerra lampo: WWII in 20 minuti»

"Guerra Lampo: WWII in 20 minuti" is a mini-wargame on the Second World War for 2 players. A player plays with the Axis and a player with the Allies. The board consists of 5 war fronts on which players deploy army tokens to take advantage of that front and get bonuses.

For the set-up of the game every player takes and put in a bag a set of tokens which represents some armies of 3 types: land, sea and air. Set aside of the table some special armies.

At the start of the game every player draw 3 tokens without show them to the opponent. The Axis player starts and in every turn the players place a token on a free space in a battle track to gain advantage in the relative front.

Every base taken give points on the front track but it also gives some special bonus like extra points on some front tracks, victory points, a new random token from the special armies, draw an extra token or remove a token from the enemy reserve.

The game ends when a player doesn't have any playable token (and he loses the game), or when a player win on a single front or when a player reach 25 points.


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