Half-Pint Heroes: Happy Hour (2018)

Roland Goslar, Johannes Goslar, Søren Schaffstein
Сбор предметов, Одновременные действия
Время игры
60 — 90 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 9
Возраст игроков

Описание «Half-Pint Heroes: Happy Hour»

It‘s happy hour at Half-Pint Pub, and the rules are changing. Experience a totally new way to play this trick-taking game! During play, attach (removable) stickers to the cards to change their value or modify other game rules. The longer you play, the more new effects are added to the game. It's a riot!

Half-Pint Heroes: Happy Hour is the first ever legacy trick-taking game. Each player gets a sheet of stickers. Depending on their prediction, each player may place one sticker per round on one of their cards.

By putting more and more stickers on the cards, players not only change cards values but also some rules in the game. All stickers remain in effect until the end of the game, then they can be removed easily.

The expansion also adds material for two more players, so Half-Pint Heroes can now be played with up to nine players.


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