HamJack (2020)

Nicki Dowland, Dan Fitch
Атака игроков
Время игры
30 — 60 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «HamJack»

Get ready to stack and attack! Play a fast-paced card game of sandwich action, or learn the deeper tactical mode to make your topping king of the sandwich.

In the Gas Station Sandwich mode, you compete to add your topping cards on the sandwich faster than anyone else. Toppings must match, but bread is a wildcard: anything can go on bread, and bread goes on anything, except bread doesn't go on bread. Bread on bread is not a sandwich.

To win the game here, you race your opponents through 4 hands of 4, playing a card each turn. But if you can overlap more than 2 symbols on the sandwich, madness can ensue. Overlap 3, and give an enemy a card! Overlap 4, and you chain another turn, to place another card.

For the Tactical Sandwich War, territory cubes are added and you can protect parts of the sandwich as your own as you fight for dominance, representing one topping. To win the game, be the first to reach 25 of your topping on the sandwich. On your turn, you play a card with the goals of covering opponents' toppings with bread, gathering guard cubes, blocking off portions of the sandwich for your own use, protecting your own toppings... or preparing to ruin someone else's day.


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