Harpoon Naval Review 1994 (1994)

Dave Schueler, Larry Bond, Matt Irsik, David Nilsen
Бросание кубиков, Запись результатов, Имитация событий
Время игры
~180 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 3

Описание «Harpoon Naval Review 1994»

The world is changing rapidly, and the rate of change seems to increase with each passing month. International political and military events and new developments in technology and weaponry tax the Harpoon player's ability to keep up with it all. So many potential scenarios, so many changes to platform and weapons data. But at the same time, there are still so many interesting historical events crying out for treatment in the Harpoon system. Enter the Harpoon Naval Review. At last, an annual forum for a wide range of Harpoon topics: Current events, naval affairs, and historical scenarios. From the Bush administration's last strikes into Iraq, to naval clashes off the coast of disintegrating Yugoslavia, to the Gulf of Tonkin, the Harpoon Naval Review delivers a broad array of scenarios to the Harpoon player...


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