Harpoon Naval Review 2003 (2003)

Dave Schueler, Larry Bond, Jay Wissmann
Бросание кубиков, Запись результатов, Имитация событий
Время игры
~180 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 3

Описание «Harpoon Naval Review 2003»

From the Clash of Arms Games web

2003 Harpoon Naval Review contents.


* Cuban Connection - US Coast Guard vs. Cuban Navy
* One size fits all? - Dutch ASW carrier group vs. Soviet SAG & submarines
* Indian Ocean Escort - NATO task group vs. Soviet submarine
* Operation Constrictor - Indian submarines vs. escorted MPS-2
* Eastern Exercise - PRC vs. Vietnam
* Little Wars: Myanmar and Thailand - Myanmar vs. Thailand
* Little Wars: Guyana and Surinam - Guyana vs. Surinam
* Send in the Marines! - US Expeditionary Strike Group 1 vs. Iranians


* Street fighter on trial (littoral combat)
* Australia's Navy in the 21st century
* China's next generation
* Keeping the US out of the Gulf
* Don't sink this sub!

Game related articles:

* Variable damage in Harpoon 4
* Weapon mount arcs vs. Directors arcs
* Rules and Annex errata
* 56 Harpoon Form 10s for several scenarios.
* 16 Harpoon Form 20s for several scenarios
* Naval counters on the back of the page (need to be cut and mounted)


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