Haunt the House: Darker Corners (2018)

Josh Cappel, Helaina Cappel
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Карты на руках, Испытай удачу, Сбор предметов
Время игры
30 — 40 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Haunt the House: Darker Corners»

Expansion for Haunt the house.

Add new rooms / hunters / scare cards / ghost

The new rooms :

Armoury : Take one of your played Phantoms back into your hand

Master Bedroom : Pick a player; that player may not BOO on their next turn

Stables : Remove one of your own Ghost hunters from the game. Draw one randomly from the deck to replace it

GreenHouse : Reveal scares from your deck until you reveal the second of a matching pair. Take all revealed cards into your hand.

The new Scare cards :

Courage Cards, these cards can only be played invisibly. During a BOO, when the invisible scares are revealed, rewards are doled out as normal, then any revealed Courage Card eliminates 1 Scare of the matching type. Then that Courage card is removed from the game!

The new Ghost :

Possessing : Pick a player; take one of their played Phantoms into your hand. Placre this card in front of that player as if they'd played it.

Wild : Play when finishing a BOO; this phantom count as any one scare of your choice.

Terrifying : Remove one room's ghost hunter from the game. Discard all Scares from that room then draw a fresh ghost hunter for the room.

Wandering : Trigger the power of any currently active Room as if you'd played a visible Scare there.

The New Ghost Hunters :

The professionals are calm, cool, and they need more Scares to be frightened out than your average Ghost Hunter. They don't carry the typical sorts of gear, either... each Professional is worth a cool 5 points in Skulls, and, when a Professional arrives in a Room, you draw a random Phantom and place it face down in the Room.
Any time a Bad Boo happens to this Pro, another random Phantom is added to their Room (these experts are very good at capturing spooks, you see)! Whoever eventually manages to frighten out the Pro collects the card of course, and also all Phantoms from the Room.


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