History of the Ancients Seas: Expansion I - New Markets (2022)

Marc von Martial, Karl Hausser
Древность, Цивилизации, Экономика
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
120 — 360 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «History of the Ancients Seas: Expansion I - New Markets»

With the Expansion New Markets players can generate a completely new distribution of merchandise. Instead of using the merchandise printed on the map players will now place the merchandise token by random principle over the map. We included a couple of options. For example a completely open distribution and the option of placing the merchandise face down. So, players know they have to have a trading post with silver to be allowed to develop the banking system. But you need to first find silver before you can create a trading post.
There will be an optional rule that heavily favors the powers who have well developed their fleet. So, players quickly need to find and explore wood and wool to develop their fleet.

This expansion brings a lot of variety and fun to the three games of the series. It can be used for all three volumes.


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