HIT! (2019)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Блеф, Карточная, Дедукция
Испытай удачу, Атака игроков
Время игры
20 — 40 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «HIT!»

The head of the city's most powerful organized crime family is dead. Other less-influential families seize the opportunity to grab a bigger piece of the action by whatever means necessary. As the head of one of these families, you seek ways to twist the workings of the city towards your own interests. Politicians, police, the news, and even other family members are all necessary tools.

During HIT!, you play cards which represent your family's fight for control across the city. Each round you compete to make the stronger power grab without exceeding that round's Influence Limit, which is set by each player initially playing one card face-down to the middle of the table. You may not know the exact value, but careful observation of your opponent's play could reveal more than they are letting on.

HIT! consists of a deck of 32 cards valued 1 through 8 (4x) and four player tokens. Some cards describe effects that occur when the card is revealed during play.


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