Hoplomachus: Crowd Favor Gladiator Promo Chips (2013)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Коллекционирование, Кубики
Бросание кубиков, Карты на руках
Время игры
15 — 90 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Hoplomachus: Crowd Favor Gladiator Promo Chips»

These chips can be used in any of our Hoplomachus series games: The Lost Cities, Rise of Rome, and our new Origins game on Kickstarter.

In TLC and RoR, Crowd Favor Gladiators are randomly selected and await the crowds highest favor before agreeing to fight. The are the best gladiators in the game short of the Champions themselves.

These three chips are only given out at 2 conventions we attend, and only after you have played a full event with one of the game creators explaining the game! For an explanation of each gladiators skills, can be found at the Chip Theory Games website.

  • In select packs, we've even swapped Duross with an extremely rare archer (very few in circulation) named: Aneres.


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