House Davion: The Federated Suns (1988)

Boy F. Peterson, Jr., L. Ross Babcock, III, J. Andrew Keith, C. R. Green
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6

Описание «House Davion: The Federated Suns»

From the back cover:

"In the 26th Century, Alexander Davion wanted the Federated Suns to be the last to join the Star League. In the 31st Century, Hanse Davion wants them to be the last to survive it.

Hanse Davion, dynamic First Prince of the Federated Suns, rules the largest and most powerful of the five Successor States of the Inner Sphere. After two and a half centuries of devastating interstellar warfare, the Inner Sphere is poised on the brink of a new age, as signaled by the recent alliance between Davion and House Steiner's Lyran Commonwealth. The Davions and Steiners have powerful enemies, though, all of whom have grouped together in a desperate attempt to prevent an irretrievable tile in the balance of power...

This ComStar casebook covers the history of the Federated Suns and its ruling family, its military forces, government, economy, culture and daily life, along with dozens of full-color illustrations. Also included are unit deployment charts, dossiers on prominent individuals, an atlas of key Federation planets, and much, much more."

User comment:

This expansion for BattleTech, BattleForce and MechWarrior covers the history of the Federeated Suns up to 20 3025. It doesn't provide any new rules, but it does provide useful background for all three games, particularly the stellar atlas of the Federated Suns, showing all of the planets under House Davion control in 3025, and a complete breakdown of military units by location together with detail on a number of units to allow them to be easily generated for BattleForce campaigns.


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