I Hate Zombies: We Hate Zombies Too (2015)

Kevin Wilson
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Выбывание игрока, Одновременные действия, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
~15 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 18
Возраст игроков

Описание «I Hate Zombies: We Hate Zombies Too»

A crew of 6 more zombie loathers joins those from I Hate Zombies. to battle against the lowliest scum of the Earth.

This expansion also allows for a game of up to 18 players (versus the 12 afforded by the base game alone)!

The characters are:

Forewoman: When a zombie throws "Rock" against you, that zombie suffers 1 wound after applying the results of the battle.

Luchador: When a zombie throws "Paper" against you, that zombie suffers 1 wound after applying the results of the battle.

Lumberjack: When a zombie throws "Scissors" against you, that zombie suffers 1 wound after applying the results of the battle.

Miner: You may throw "dynamite". If you do, and the zombie throws anything but scissors, deal one wound to all zombies. Otherwise, you are infected.

Priest: Whenever the humans closest to your left and right are infected, flips a coin. On heads, the human is instead fully healed.

Salesman: At the start of the game, choose left or right. You cannot be attacked by a zombie from that side.

These promo characters were originally given for free to all Kickstarter backers of the base game, and later made available in the Geek Store on BoardGameGeek.


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