ICECOOL: Artifacts (2019)

Brian Gomez
Ловкость, Животные, Детская
Поле для перемещения, Атака игроков
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «ICECOOL: Artifacts»

Originally available as part of Promo Pack C from Dice Tower 2019 Kickstarter Campaign.

Includes 4 cards.

At the beginning of every round, the catcher is the first to pick one of the artifacts to use this round. Then everybody else, going clockwise from the catcher, picks one. If playing with four, the last player does not have a choice and takes the last artifact.

Each artifact is usable once a round. When you take it, place it with the active (glowing) side up. Once it has been used, flip it to its inactive side (not glowing).

Ancient clock - Lets a player reset the turn he just made, by placing all the pieces in the positions and places they were before he made the flick. Then take the turn (flick) again.

Trap - At the beginning of the round (when the player chooses this artifact) player places the trap anywhere on the board, when any other player touches the card (slides on or over it), the card is removed and becomes inactive. The player who placed the trap flicks the other players penguin in any direction he wants.

Teleport - At the beginning of the round (when the player chooses this artifact) player places the teleport anywhere on the board. At the start or end of that player’s turn that player can place their penguin on that card. After you move away from the card (by taking a flick or being bumped off) it is removed from the board and becomes inactive.

Platform - At the end of this player’s turn he may place the card on top of a spot where boxes make a T(connection point of three boxes) and one of these boxes must be the one where players penguin is. This card becomes a platform onto which the player places their penguin on. Player starts his next turn from the platform then the card is removed and becomes inactive.


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