Infantry Attacks: The Mouse that Roared (2011)

John Stafford
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~30 мин
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Описание «Infantry Attacks: The Mouse that Roared»

From the Avalanche Press website:

Following the collapse of the Russian Empire, Estonia declared its independence. To secure this new freedom, the Estonian Army fought a valiant defensive campaign against vastly superior forces on two fronts. With the help of its western allies, most notably Britain, Finland, Sweden, and Denmark, the brave Estonian Army rapidly built up its strength and experience while fighting furiously for every meter of ground. They successfully held off the Soviet Western Front offensive, as well as crushing the Estonian Red Army, the Red Latvian Riflemen, and multiple Baltic-German armies between 1918 and 1920. Their triumphant bid for freedom established the Republic of Estonia’s sovereignty amid the quagmire of World War One’s aftermath and the Russian Civil War. On Feb. 2, 1920, the Treaty of Tartu finalized their independence. The mouse roared, and the birds of prey fled.

The Mouse That Roared is a supplement for the Series: Infantry Attacks (Avalanche Press) series, with 10 new scenarios portraying the key battles that enabled little Estonia to fend off the Russian giant and establish her independence from Russia for the first time since the Great Northern War in 1710. We also provide you with 165 new playing units depicting the Estonian military and Red Russians, Red Estonians, and Red Latvians from the Civil War period. The Mouse That Roared is not a complete game: ownership of Infantry Attacks: August 1914 is necessary to provide the rules, charts, markers and game boards.

The Mouse That Roared is sold in two formats: printed with laser-cut counters, and via .pdf download. For the latter, the playing pieces are not die-cut and mounted, nor is the scenario book printed. Instead it comes as a series of .pdf files that will need to be assembled into the game’s components.


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