Infantry Attacks: To Hell With Spain (2010)

Doug McNair
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков

Описание «Infantry Attacks: To Hell With Spain»

From the Avalanche Press website:

In the early summer of 1898, the United States embarked on war with Spain. The Spanish actually declared war first, but no one doubted that the United States was the aggressor; whether said aggression was designed to acquire control over Cuba or liberate the island depended on one’s point of view. The small U.S. Regular Army would quickly be joined by tens of thousands of volunteers, who answered the war’s signature battle cry "Remember the Maine!" with the less-well-remembered response:

"To Hell with Spain!"

To Hell With Spain is a supplement for the Series: Infantry Attacks (Avalanche Press) series, based on the battles fought in Cuba and Puerto Rico between June and August 1898. It is not a complete game: ownership of any boxed game in the Series: Infantry Attacks (Avalanche Press) series is necessary to provide the rules and markers, and maps are drawn from the following Series: Panzer Grenadier (Avalanche) games and supplements: Elsenborn Ridge, Road to Berlin, Battle of the Bulge, Kokoda Trail, Eastern Front and 1940: The Fall of France. There are 10 scenarios, each based on an actual battle or situation from the Spanish-American War.

To Hell With Spain is sold exclusively via .pdf download. The playing pieces are not die-cut and mounted, nor is the scenario book printed. Instead it comes as a series of .pdf files that will need to be assembled into the game’s components.


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