Into the Rubble 2 (2016)

Klaus Fischer, Scott Holst, Chas Smith
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Into the Rubble 2»

Into The Rubble offers players of Advanced Squad Leader the opportunity to do battle in cities and railroad yards. The scenarios range from 1938 to 1945 with a variety of forces including American, Chinese, German/SS, Hungarian, Japanese, Nationalist Spanish, Republican Spanish, Romanian and Russian.

Into The Rubble 2 builds on Bounding Fire Production's initial offering (Into the Rubble), adding 12 new and exciting scenarios in addition to the 8 which came in the original pack, in addition to new boards, overlays and counters. Everything from the original game is here, all known errata has been incorporated, and some of the original scenarios have been adjusted for play balance.

Into the Rubble 2 includes the following:

- 20 action-packed scenarios in full-color print
- 140 Full color, die cut 1/2" counters
- 88 Full color, die cut 5/8" counters
- 2 8"x22" geomorphic mapboards (BFP A and B)
- 1 16"x22" geomorphic double-wide mapboard (BFP DW-7)
- 1 8"x12" rubbled city overlay (BFP RC-1)
- 1 large factory overlay
- 1 sheet of debris overlays
- 1 sheet of rubble/rubbled building overlays
- Rules pages describing new terrain, including Railroad Factories, and new unit types.

Ownership of the following ASL products are required to play all 20 of the included scenarios: Beyond Valor, Yanks, Doomed Battalions, Armies of Oblivion, Red Barricades, For King and Country, Rising Sun.


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