Jatkosota: Finland's Continuation War for ASL (1996)

Ray Tapio, Peter Mudge, Tommi Syrjanen
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Описание «Jatkosota: Finland's Continuation War for ASL»

A 12 page historical background booklet, one page of Chapter H notes, 36 unmounted counters, including a Maj. Tapio, and 8 scenarios. Six of the scenarios are Finnish-Russian, one German-Russian, and one Finnish-German.

8 scenarios:
1) Toast Victory with Vodka: Petrozavodsk, Russia, 1 October 1941
2) At the Gates of Viipuri: Viipuri, Finland, 20 June 1944
3) Back to the V-T Line: Kuuterselka, Finland, 14 June 1944
4) The Gods of War: Kuuterselka, Finland, 13 June 1944
5) Forests of the North: 20 miles southwest of Louhki, Russia, 11 August 1941
6) Mannerheim's Cross: Karhumakea, Finland, 5 December 1941
7) Brothers in Arms: Tornio, Finland 5 October 1944
8) Artic Strongpoint: East of the Litsa River, Northern Finland, 1 February 1944


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