Journey: Wrath of Demons – White Bone Demons Expansion

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Кооператив, Бросание кубиков, Поле для перемещения, Модульное поле, Доставка
Время игры
~75 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4

Описание «Journey: Wrath of Demons – White Bone Demons Expansion»

As our Pilgrims cross a desolate and craggy mountain pass, they unknowingly stray into the land of the White Bone Demons. At first, the band meets a few skeletal warriors, possessed bones of a long dead army, risen to serve their Queen. After battling against the more corrupted White Bone Demon forms, the Pilgrims find that their Cleanse Ritual is not so effective against these Demon-possessed skeletons. Finally, the narrow path takes them to the Forbidden White Cave, where the Pilgrims confront Yara, Queen of the White Bone Demon Clan, who realises that this is no ordinary group of mortals. If Yara can eat the flesh of Tripitaka, she can gain immortality, regenerate her flesh and regain her beauty. As she launches her minions into a pitched battle, the fast moving White Bone Demons scuttle across the battlefield and Yara herself joins the fray.

Will Yara’s poisoned attack will be the end of our four travelers? There is more at stake than just the Pilgrims lives. If they can defeat Yara and the White Bone Demon Clan, Tripitaka will recover the second piece of the lost Sutras and will be one step closer to restoring the seal on the Underworld.

As normal for expansions, this is not a standalone product. There will be a rules supplement, but it will be based on the Journey rulebook. You will play with some Map Tiles and Bridge Tiles from Journey and the base rules are the same. But the expansion is more than different shaped playing pieces. The White Bone Demons play very differently to the Bull Demons, being faster and harder to cleanse. Faster means it is easier for the Pilgrims to get overrun. With the Cleanse Ritual being less effective, Pilgrims will have to risk more kills and Bad Karma. You will need new strategies to defeat the White Bone Demons.

Finally, there is a new game mechanic. The White Bone Demons are the reanimated bones of long dead warriors. Demon Spirits possess the bones and over time, warp them in to horrific shapes. This separation between the Demon’s spirit and the warrior’s body may explain why the Cleanse Ritual is harder, but it is certainly the explanation of the biggest surprise the Pilgrims will face. Dead White Bone Demons are left on the board and if Yara can attract another Demon Spirit, these piles of bones may spring back to life!


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