Just Like Mama Used to Say (2019)

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Описание «Just Like Mama Used to Say»

Bless your heart. This game utilizes the tried and true party game recipe of one person judging the cards ya’ll put down as an answer for their prompt, just like Cards Against Humanity, except you’re not gonna blush playing this with Mama (or the preacher). The theme is right there in the title as you are completing phrases your southern mama might say, like “He was sneakier than a mega-church preacher at Pappy’s hidden moonshine still.” That’s the example printed on the box. The prompts the storyteller puts down are all comparative phrases (yellow cards) and the submissions are all pairs of things (red cards) and locations (blue cards).

If the storyteller likes your submission, you keep the yellow prompt card and win once you’ve collected five.

It comes with 540 cards, but 40 of those are blanks, so you can go ahead and quote your mama for later.


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