Karuba extension: bonus tiles (2015)

Rüdiger Dorn
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
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Время игры
~40 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Karuba extension: bonus tiles»

This extension was on the back of the catalogue of the Haba Family Games. (In .PDF Format)

General rules:

The 4 bonus tiles are placed separately in the middle of the table at the beginning of the game. The first player that fulfills one of the four requirements receives the corresponding bonus tile. If two or more players fulfill the same requirement in one round, the bonus tile is removed from the game.

1 “Fastest treasure collector” bonus tile
The first player to collect at least 1 gold nugget or 1 crystal in every adventure receives this bonus tile.
Value: 2 victory points.

2 “Best treasure collector” bonus tile
The first player to collect at least 4 gold nuggets or crystals in any one adventure receives this bonus tile.
Value: 3 victory points.

3 “Best route builder” bonus tile
The first player to use routes to connect all the adventurers with temples that match their color receives this bonus tile.
Value: 3 victory points.

4 “Fastest runner” bonus tile
The first player to move all their adventurers at least once receives this bonus tile.
Value: 2 victory points.


И другие бонусы.

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