Keys to Riverdale High

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Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Keys to Riverdale High»

Keys to Riverdale High is door flipping madness. Race your favourite character from the Archie comics down the halls of Riverdale High, where behind every door awaits a surprise. Just don’t let Mr. Weatherbee catch you, or it’s straight to the detention room. Gameplay is based on our best-selling tile game Keys To The Castle.

Keys to Riverdale High is a tile-based game of strategy and luck. Players must open and close doors (the tiles) to move along a path and be the first to cross to the other side.

Special cards are played to hacksaw through barred doors, use a skeleton key to unlock padlocked doors, throw a net on a player to stop them in their tracks or use secret passageways to maneuver your way to the other side.

The game is easy to learn and quick to play. With the tiles acting as the "board", there is a new outcome to each game every time the tiles and cards are shuffled.


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