Kingdom Death: Monster – Before The Wall Promo (2016)

Adam Poots
Кооператив, Бросание кубиков, Поле для перемещения, Ролевая игра, Сторителлинг
Время игры
60 — 180 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Kingdom Death: Monster – Before The Wall Promo»

This White Box Promotional Expansion includes a miniature that represents Aya the Survivor wearing Vagabond Armor while wielding a Black Sword (Gormery) and a Beacon Shield (Blacksmith), this can be used to represent a female survivor in game. Also included are two gear cards and an armor set card for complete Vagabond Armor (which is an alternate Leather Armor set).

Crafting Recipes for the gear cards are printed on the back. There is currently no way to craft the White Dragon Gauntlets, but it is speculated that this will change when the Ivory Dragon expansion is released.

In order to complete the Vagabond Armor set you will also need a copy of the 'Beyond the Wall' promotional cards.

Armor Set card: Vagabond Armor
Pieces required to complete the set
Leather Chest or Leather Breastplate
White Dragon Gauntlets or Leather Gloves
Leather Skirt
Cloth Leggings or Leather Boots

You cannot wear head armor, but head accessories are allowed.

Full set bonus: 1 Armor to all locations, gain all the benefits of Sword Specialization and Sword Mastery.

Gear Cards:

Torso Accessory (1 Armor, body)
Affinities: Left; Blue Half
Passive Ability: When you are encouraged, gain +1 insanity, if your settlement is barbaric or gain +1 survival if your settlement is romantic

Note: The Tabard requires the Cloth Starting Gear card to craft.

White Dragon Gauntlets
Hand Armor (12 Armor points)
Affinities: Red; Left Half

Passive Ability: Requires 3 Red Affinity: When you Sideswipe, gain +1 accuracy and +5 strength for your next attack this turn

It is not known what a Sideswipe in the game is at this stage.


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