King's Forge: Game of Ingenuity Exclusive Craft Card (2014)

W. David MacKenzie, Nick Sibicky
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Количество игроков
2 — 4
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Описание «King's Forge: Game of Ingenuity Exclusive Craft Card»

Promo craft card for King's Forge that was handed out in the Unpub Promo Card Pack at Unpub #4 in Dover, Delaware (January 2014). Since the Unpub event caters to unpublished game designs, the card is titled 'Game of Ingenuity' and features a medieval board game with Go-like tokens on a grid with a winged Dragon with a glowing whip attacking metallic knight pawns. This design is also a thoughtful nod to the game's designer, Nick Sibicky, who is an avid Go player.

This card may be added to the crafting card deck before playing.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This card was included in the base game, even though that was not the original intention. It bumped out Magic Wand (#52) in the 1st printing of the base game (Magic Wand appears in all subsequent editions of the base game). The promo card handed out at Unpub convention can be identified by the Unpub convention logo in the lower right hand corner. In the base game, that logo is missing.


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