King's Forge: Ring of the Lords Kickstarter Exclusive Craft Card (2014)

Nick Sibicky
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Описание «King's Forge: Ring of the Lords Kickstarter Exclusive Craft Card»

This is a promotional crafting card for King's Forge. It was provided as an exclusive card for backers of the 2013 King's Forge Kickstarter campaign.


Ring of the Lords (#95)
Metal 6
Gem 5
Magic 5

Note: In the 2018 King's Forge: Gold expansion, there is a new #95 craft item card called the Precious Ring with the exact same crafting requirements of the Kickstarter exclusive Ring of the Lords item and with slightly modified art. In this way, late adopters still have access to the play space of card #95 and backers of the original Kickstarter still have a Kickstarter exclusive card.


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