
Kirche, Glaube & Reformation (Fan expansion to Catan: Cities and Knights) (2002)

Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~240 мин
Количество игроков
3 — 6

Описание «Kirche, Glaube & Reformation (Fan expansion to Catan: Cities and Knights)»

Unofficial fan expansion of Catan: Cities & Knights.

Adds several new aspects to Catan: Cities and Knights.

Introduces an Inquisitor token, Religion Development Calendars, Religion Progress card set, Bread commodity cards and Beer commodity cards. While Bread is analogous to Grain (the way Coin is analogous to Ore in Cities and Knights), Beer is a commodity that can only be produced on a Grain intersection when a new Diocese building is present. Beer is used to create Beer Festivals which affect an opponent's Road, Ship, Settlement or City for a period of time; this action can lower the Victory Point total for that opponent!

The third edition of Kirche, Glaube & Reformation ("Church, Faith and Reformation") also incorporates another unofficial fan expansion, Hexen, Zauberer & Drachen (fan expansion for Catan: Cities and Knights) ("Witches, Wizards & Dragons"), which introduces a Wizard token, Magic Development Calendars, Magic Progress card set and Magic commodity cards. Magic commodities can only be collected on a brick intersection when a new Citadel building is present.

This combined version requires a custom 12 sided event die (6 barbarian ships and 6 city gates, the last of which is a "wild card" gate allowing the player who rolled the dice to choose the color gate).

If played separately, each fan expansion requires a custom 8 or 10 sided event side (4 barbarian ships and 4 city gates or 5 barbarian ships and 5 city gates, the last of which is a "wild card" gate).

Adds tactical complexity to the game and game length.

Belongs to the Catan Series.
