Kitchen Rush: Piece of Cake – The Wedding Cake (2018)

Vangelis Bagiartakis, Dávid Turczi
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Кооператив, Размещение рабочих
Время игры
30 — 45 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Kitchen Rush: Piece of Cake – The Wedding Cake»

Promo card given for free as part of the Pocket Dragon Kickstarter-campaign.

Setup: Place this card next to the deck of orders, if the players agree to take the Wedding Cake Challenge.

Gameplay: Any player one can take this card without a Waiter action (and get the plate for it). The first layer of the cake has to be completed by the end of the round in order to progress in the Wedding Cake Challenge. If unfinished, do not lose prestige, etc. If finished, return the card to its original place along with the plate and ingredients that completed the first layer. During the following round(s) any player (including the same or different one than the one that made the first layer) may take the card and the previous layer to make the next layer. The next layer’s plate has to be placed on top of the first layer, and moved together. When the second layer is finished, repeat the procedure for the third layer as well. Note, in a single round only a single layer can be made.

Once all 3 layers have been completed (which can be at the end of the third or fourth round), players gain 10 money and 3 prestige. If the Wedding Cake Challenge is not completed by the end of the fourth round, the game ends in defeat. This is in addition to the normal victory conditions.


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