La Cosa Nostra (2006)

Steve Lessard, Pascal Lessard
Карточная, Мафия, Переговоры
Сбор предметов, Голосование
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
4 — 8
Возраст игроков

Описание «La Cosa Nostra»

La Cosa Nostra is a "take that" card game where each player take the role of a mafioso. On each turn, the current godfather can be voted down, and a new one is then elected. After this, each player will have the opportunity to draw and play cards. Some of them will increase the family booty. The godfather is in charge of distributing the territories (player's income) and the family's booty amongst the players.

The most important action a player can do is to buy some businesses represented by cards of three different categories: casino, real estate, or nightclub. The first to collect 1 million dollars worth of businesses in one category wins the game.


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