Last Full Measure: The Battle of Gettysburg (second edition) (2022)

Gerald Todd
Военные, Распечатай и играй, Варгейм
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Last Full Measure: The Battle of Gettysburg (second edition)»

A new edition of the first Last Full Measure title; Gettysburg with a larger map in size and area covered; new map art and colors; new charts and tables; and new counters.

The Last Full Measure Series is a collection of brigade-level wargames covering battles of the American Civil War. The games use regiments to represent the brigades on the map, and allow them to occupy multiple hexes. LFM is an intermediate rules set that includes cavalry charges, ranged artillery fire, and a simple command system, at a scale 250 yards per hex and 100 men per strength point.


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