Last Night on Earth Special Edition Soundtrack CD (2007)

Jason C. Hill
Бросание кубиков, Карты на руках, Модульное поле, Делай и двигай
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6

Описание «Last Night on Earth Special Edition Soundtrack CD»

New Special Edition Game Soundtrack for Last Night on Earth features 16 tracks of music created specifically for the game. This includes the entire original soundtrack plus five new songs inspired by upcoming expansions. The CD features new artwork and liner notes from the composer and two exclusive new game cards only available with the Special Edition Soundtrack.

Guitar - Force a zombie to re-roll any number of its fight dice.

Dance of the Dead - Roll a d6 and remove that many Zombies, all remaining zombies may move one space.


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