Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game – House of M Promo Card (2019)

Devin Low
Карточная, Комиксы
Кооператив, Построение колоды/мешка/движка
Время игры
~45 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game – House of M Promo Card»

This promo card was originally available with the purchase of the Revelations Expansion at the Upper Deck Booth at Gen Con 2019 in an attempt to boost sales while at the convention.

Card text below:

Card Side 1:

Title of Card: House of M

Setup: 8 Twists. Hero Deck is 4 X-men Heros and 2 non-X-men Heros. (Or substitute another team for all x-men icons on both sides.) Add 14 Scarlet Witch cards to the Villian Deck.

Special Rules: Each Scarlet Witch in the city is a Villian with Attack Power equal to its cost +3. If you fight one, gain it as a Hero.

Twist: KO all non-X-men Heros from the HQ. If there are at least 2 Scarlet Witch cards in the city, this Scheme Transforms. Otherwise, play another card from the Villian Deck.

Title (Transformed Side): "No More Mutants"

Transformed Special Rule (Transformed Side): Each Scarlet Witch in the city is a Villain with Attack Power equal to its cost +4. If you fight one, gain it as a Hero.

Twist (Transformed Side): KO all X-men Heros from the HQ. Play another card from the Villain Deck.

Evil Wins (Transformed Side): When the number of non-grey Heros in the KO pile is ten plus double the number of players.

Promo Code: LPC38
Printed in Canada


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