Lewis & Clark: Uwe Rosenberg (2014)

Cédrick Chaboussit
Дикий запад
Драфт карт, Построение колоды/мешка/движка, Карты на руках, Размещение рабочих
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Lewis & Clark: Uwe Rosenberg»

When playing Lewis & Clark: Uwe Rosenberg, a promotional card for Lewis & Clark, place one primary resource from your boats on it. At the end of your next Camp phase, after your Camp token has joined your Scout, take this resource back on your boats with one extra resource of the same type from the stock.

This action can be performed several times with various resources, e.g., if I activate this action three times, then place 1 fur and 2 wood on the card, after my next Camp phase I get 1 extra fur and 2 extra wood from the stock.


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