LibertEx (2014)

Дмитрий Кибкало
Экономика, Обучающие
Делай и двигай, Запись результатов, Торговля
Время игры
40 — 60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «LibertEx»

Boardgame LibertEx!

The game is the path to financial freedom
Once, five financiers sat and drank compote. One of them leaned back in his chair and said: “Guys, let's make a game about how we got into these chairs. Well, where do we get such cars, such as apartments, and such grandmothers? ” The second one recalled how he had lived in a hostel for six months and ate a doshirak to maintain a store ... As a result, the LibertEx game appeared - about rat-running “work for an uncle”, about a gradual understanding that money is not a goal, but a tool and big dreams. The fourth edition of this game is in front of you.

Everything is as in reality
The playing field is your daily routine. You can work harder, get tired more, and earn a little more - until you fall off from accumulated fatigue. And you can use your time a little smarter - to implement your ideas and search for opportunities.

What are the possibilities?
Well, for example, your neighbor may come to you and offer to open a kiosk with shawarma. Or your classmate will offer you to buy a furniture factory because he is leaving for Cyprus. Or you just learn something valuable and interesting. Opportunities are anything you want, from a valuable spare part found in a landfill that you brought home and repaired before purchasing the enterprise. The main thing is to use them correctly. The strategy is that you do not have to grab at every chance: it is important to understand what, when, and how it will bring you money.

Need to count?
Yes, this is a personal finance game. You will have to count quite a lot - but, believe me, every second of working with your head will pay off. After a couple of parties, you can quickly figure out not only how many years you will earn on a new apartment, but also how much it is more profitable to invest in stocks and indices in comparison with the purchase of the McDonald's franchise.

What is the purpose of the game?
The main objective of the game is to make your passive income (coming regardless of your actions) exceed your fixed costs (for example, food, home, clothes, and so on). Once you achieve this, you win.

But what about a yacht and a plane?
There are dreams in the game - this is what makes you happy. For some, the limit of happiness is a new iPhone, for some - their own yacht, and someone will not be able to live without a concert of their favorite star. All the dreams in the game are clearly tied to the real world and to Russia - if you see the price for a million red roses, it means that it costs so much. Not very expensive by the standards of the oligarchs, by the way. To find out prices for concerts of stars, diamonds, cars, and other services or things, the creators sent inquiries as if they were going to buy it themselves. So the prices are real. Take courage.

Why do I need holiday cards?
Because you can’t work all the time. Health, family, and other values ​​are taken into account in LibertEx - otherwise nothing. In other economic games, you need to work and work, but here the goal is to become happy. Therefore, do not forget to relax and spend time with loved ones.

What kind of news cards?
These cards change the game situation. When you reach a level where exchange rates, the value of stocks, and valuable metals will be of great importance, you will begin to read the news far from the usual person.

A crisis!
Yes, there are crises in the game. They may come unexpectedly like a thick polar fox. Everything is like in the 90s, in 2008, and in other best years of our economy. It will be fun, and the little bottle will come in handy. And what is the economy in Russia without such a risk?

Well and most importantly
Perhaps, based on the results or during the game, you will find your personal path to financial freedom and independence.


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