Ligretto Kids (2017)

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
10 — 15 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Ligretto Kids»

Kids' version of the well-known card game. Cards come in 5 different colours for up to 5 players, with animals (elephant, tiger, parrot, monkey and crocodile) instead of numbers. Players have to draw the top card from their deck and place it on one of the center piles, but can only do so if the animal, or the colour (or both) matches.

Even though the game is officially from 5 years up, the rules also contain a simplified version which plays well with 4 year-olds. In that variant, everybody has their own pile and can put non-matching cards aside for later use.

The game is easy enough to learn, even for smaller kids, and even as an adult you won't easily get bored.

—user summary
