Ligretto Probe-Version (2019)

Michael Michaels
Карточная, В реальном времени
Время игры
5 — 10 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Ligretto Probe-Version»

Mini version of Ligretto that allows two players to test Ligretto. This version has been handed out by Schmidt Spiele for free and has not been meant for sale.

Each player has his own deck of 27 cards with cards 1-9 in three colors and a unique symbol on the back to identify which cards are his. At the start of each round, each player lays out three cards face up in front of him to create his row; places a face-up stack of seven cards, seeing only the top card, next to his row to create his Ligretto stack; and holds the remaining cards in hand face down.

Playing at the same time, each player tries to empty his Ligretto stack. If he has a 1 on the top of any face-up stack, he plays it to the center of the table. If he has a 2 of the same color as any 1 in the center of the table, he can place the 2 on the 1. All cards in the central piles must be played in ascending order and must be following the same color.

If a player can't play anything, he can reveal cards from the stack in his hand, counting them out in groups of three, then laying them face up while revealing only the top card. He can play this top card onto a central pile as long as he meets the above rules for doing so.

As soon as a player empties his Ligretto stack, the round ends. Each player scores 1 point for each of his cards among the central piles, then loses 2 points for each card remaining in his Ligretto stack. The player with the most points wins. Players can alternatively choose to play a certain number of rounds and the player with most points in the end wins.

In the rare case that neither player can play any cards, the round is scored based on the cards played so far.

—user summary


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