Line of Fire #13 (2012)

Mark H. Walker, Amabel Holland
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Line of Fire #13»

At the vanguard of this magazine is the Nations at War series of games. Included are articles on the future of the series, on the forthcoming Stalin’s Triumph, and on strategies for the campaign in Operation Cobra, plus four new scenarios by veteran designer Matt Lohse: two on Operation Market Garden and two on Operation Goodwood. In addition to the four Nations at War scenarios, there are plenty more:

  • The World at War modulette Jungle Blood & Sweat, started in Line of Fire #12, concludes with three more scenarios in Southeast Asia, utilizing 33 new 5/8” die-cut counters.
  • British and Soviet Recon formations meet near Bitterfeld, the crucial town featured in World at War: Battles within Battles.
  • The Swedes attempt to strike down a Soviet push inland from the town of Nynäsham, south of Stockholm, in another aspect of Operation Garbo.
  • In two Honneur et Patrie scenarios, the Belgians launch a vital counterattack and the French and the Soviets take on each other as well as a whole new type of enemy—a rogue lunatic who’s on the lam.
  • Two hot-spots in Heroes of the Gap are illuminated: one in Bavaria (on maps from Band of Heroes); the other in Libya (on the A Day of Heroes map).
  • Also, a new Space Infantry Enemies Variant introduces a new sense of doom to your extra-terrestrial gaming.

On top of this, the magazine contains the game Blood on the Alma, designed by Tom Russell, with art by Gabriel Gendron, depicting the September 20th, 1854, Battle of the Alma, in Crimea, in which an Allied force of British, French and Turks met the Russians.


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