Living Planet: Aquarius (2018)

Christophe Boelinger
Экономика, Экология
Контроль территории, Карты на руках, Торговля, Размещение рабочих
Время игры
45 — 60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Living Planet: Aquarius»

Our explorers finally discovered that there is a high stakes to explore MYC.14.250’s seas. This expansion adds new possibilities, beyond lands... With a new vehicle and a new movement rule come more diversity and new strategies to master! You can now construct 3 new buildings (Oil rigs, Offshore Windturbines and Hydroelectric generators) and exploit rare Vibranium Mines hidden on some islands. Sail using the winds for free, or using an Oil and a movement action to go wherever you want (of course, within the movement limits). Oil becomes then an essential resource.

To perform an Explore action, you will either draw in the Land map tile pile or in the new Sea map tile pile. But beware, don’t expect a calm sea. A new cataclysm shows up you can’t protect yourself from: the Tsunami! Do not forget raging Tornadoes still there to knock you down… Careful! Discovering new horizons may be risky!


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