Living Planet: Arboria (2018)

Christophe Boelinger
Экономика, Экология
Контроль территории, Карты на руках, Торговля, Размещение рабочих
Время игры
45 — 60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Living Planet: Arboria»

Arboria brings its own novelties, and a strong theme! This expansion is fully compatible with the two previous ones: Aquarius and Industria!

Arboria Expansion provides a new resource to exploit. Wood! But, as everything seems unusual on this planet, these trees are special… The sap they contain can be sold a fortune back on Earth. Burnt in a stove, it is twice more efficient than best wood you could use! And finally, travel time to bring it back to Earth allows its optimal drying! Here a sixth way to make rich!

Wood is a rare resource here. There will be less wood than the other resources. Cutting wood is pretty easy, sawmill produces wood on 2 die values. Watch out! Shortage and Market crash will occur more frequently…

Woods are thick and vehicles can’t move in… Furthermore, this wood is nearly impossible to extinguish when set on fire. A new cataclysm shows up: Forest Fires. Ferocious and brutal, they are only triggered in woods. Scientists didn’t find any solution to protect yourself from them.

Arboria also includes two special buldings: Botanical Research Centers and Shipyards to be used respectively in combination with Industria and Aquarius Expansions.


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