Lock 'n Load Tactical: Compendium Volume 4 Modern Era (2017)

Jeff Lewis, David Heath
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
120 — 240 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 2
Возраст игроков

Описание «Lock 'n Load Tactical: Compendium Volume 4 Modern Era»

LnLT Compendium Vol. 4 is the second collection of articles and scenarios centered around the modern era. Much of this material is combined from the Line of Fire issues as well as the previously released product Battle Pack Alpha.

What you are going to find in LnLT Compendium Vol 4 is a lot of content for LnLT Modern era, from Vietnam to the present. Great content on strong on tactics, historical perspective of weapons and conflicts, and a lot of great scenarios. With re-edited articles and updated images, the Modern Compendium Volume 4 is a must-have for the LnLT gamer. With over 100 pages, 4 new maps, and 12 scenarios Ranging from the jungles of Vietnam to the rocky highlands of Western Germany, fans will get exactly what they want, more maps, more articles, and more scenarios. Compendium Volume 4 has something for everyone who’s a fan of the Lock ’n Load Tactical series’ Modern- Era games. And it’s all right here:

One game system, one era. one place!


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