Lost Valley: The Yukon Mini-Expansion (2014)

Tobias Goslar, Roland Goslar, Johannes Goslar
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Модульное поле, Размещение тайлов
Время игры
~45 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Lost Valley: The Yukon Mini-Expansion»

The mini-expansion includes 2 new triangle tiles, 3 new skills to be incorporated into the base game. 4 tiles (2 triangle and 2 diamond) are also included to correct misprint and miscut tiles in the base game.

The New Skills Include:

  • The Squirrel Hunter: lets you hunt next to an animal trap even if there are no animals present.
  • The Expert Miner: makes building a mine easier.
  • The Well Builder: which lets you find a water source in the middle of the wasteland.

The New Triangle Tiles Include:

  • Treasure Hill: adds a fun wrinkle to the buried treasure mechanic.
  • Workshop: lets you switch out your earned skills with new ones.


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