Maask (2004)

Thierry Denoual, Volker Maas
Кубики, Средневековые, Память
Бросание кубиков, Память
Время игры
~10 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Maask»

An all-wooden game from the makers of Gobblet.

Find the most jewels hidden in the branches of the crown, and you will rule Maaskland. There are 12 identical branches, with colored jewels hidden underneath them. When you roll the dice you pick up two branches, trying to reveal the colors that were rolled on the dice. If you pick the right branches, they are yours. Remember where each color of jewel is in the circle. Remember which jewels your opponents won, too, and you can steal them. High quality pieces, good for children and adults.


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