Manhattan: Festival en Manhattan (2019)

Jesús Torres Castro
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Контроль территории, Карты на руках
Время игры
~45 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4

Описание «Manhattan: Festival en Manhattan»

The first expansion for Manhattan!
More actions in Manhttan... Your little 1-level pieces will be more interesting now! Everytime you place a little building on the board, you will get an action card. You must play it as soon as possible, or somebody will take it from you!

There are two modules:

  • Festival en Manhattan (Festival in Manhattan): 2 rules cards + 5 action cards
  • Un monstruo en Manhattan (A monster in Manhattan): 1 rule card + 1 monster card (to cut-and-play, and using the starting player token) - This expansion was included in the Mayfair old edition, but only as a variant rule. Now you have components and a real monster to destroy the buildings.

The art is based on the modern edition (Manddo Games), but the cards can be played and are compatible with all the editions of the game.

Promo expansions celebrating Karen & Amdreas Seyfarth as special guests at the XIV Festival Internacional de Juegos Córdoba 2019.


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