Middle East Combat (1993)

Erik James Olsrud
Поле для перемещения
Время игры
~360 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Middle East Combat»

From the insert: "Middle East Combat is a titanic battle between Iraq, the USSR, Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia for control of oil resources and key neutral nations, played with basic Axis & Allies rules."

23"x30" bright full color folded map showing region names, oil areas, factories, and capitals(Heavy stock paper)
5 unit placement cards
Ten page rulebook which covers additional rules for
- neutral nation armies
- civil insurrections
- modern weapon technologies
- USSR special rules
- game balance adjustments
- short game scenarios
- map clarifications
- 10 questions and answers from the game

The Red Pact of USSR and Iraq form one side in this war and the Triad Nations of Iran, Turkey, and Saudi-Egypt form the other side.

Victory Conditions, 1) Hold ten oil areas at the end of a full turn, 2) Hold all enemy capitals, or 3) Hold a total of three neutral or enemy capitals.

Another use for your Axis & Allies game pieces.


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