Minecraft: Builders & Biomes Fishing Rod and Shovel promo cards (2021)

Ulrich Blum
Компьютерная игра
Очки действий, Поле для перемещения, Размещение тайлов
Время игры
30 — 60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Minecraft: Builders & Biomes Fishing Rod and Shovel promo cards»

Contains 2 fishing rods and two shovel tiles. Part of the Spielbox magazine issue 5/2021

Fishing Rod (x2): If you reveal the fishing rod during a fish, after the fight is over, you may choose a revealed mob from the grid and place it next to your board to "reserve" it. Put the fishing rod on that mob card. During the rest of the game, whenever you fight a mob, you can choose to fight your reserved mob instead of one from the grid. Both the mob card and the fishing rod stay reserved next to your board until you have defeated the mob. When you defeat it, the fishing rod is shuffled back into your weapon pile. Reserved mobs do not provide any bonuses until they are defeated.

Shovel (x2): If you reveal the shovel during a fight, aft the fight is over, you may choose a revealed building card from the grid and place it next to your board to "reserve" it. Put the shovel on that building card. During the rest of the game, whenever you execute the "build" action, you can choose to build the reserved structure if you have the resources to do so. Both the building card and the shovel stay reserved next to your board until you build the building. Once it is built, shuffle the shovel back into your weapons pile. Reserved buildings do not provide any bonuses until they are built.


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