Mistfall: Heart of the Mists Kickstarter Edition (2016)

Błażej Kubacki, Agnieszka Kopera, Enggar Adirasa
Приключения, Карточная, Фэнтези
Кооператив, Карты на руках, Модульное поле, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Mistfall: Heart of the Mists Kickstarter Edition»

This entry is for the Kickstarter edition with additional content in the box. Limited content consists of 54 cards.

The 54 Kickstarter Limited cards are: 32 regular enemy cards, 9 regular encounter card, 3 companion ally cards, and 10 reward cards.

The Limited cards have a text at the bottom saying: LIMITED. They are numbered 331 - 384.

Mistfall: Heart of the Mists is is a fully cooperative card-based adventure game set in a world of mystery, eldritch powers and perilous adventures. Heart of the Mists continues the story of Mistfall in a standalone expansion featuring new Heroes, Enemies, Encounters and Quests, and introducing Allies, as well as alternative versions of some of the base game mechanisms.

At the start of the game each player chooses a hero with a fixed deck of equipment and power cards, as well as a set of upgrades that can be added directly to a player’s hand during the game. A semi-randomly created board makes for a different landscape every time the game is played, and randomized sets of encounters and enemies create different challenges for players to face before their time runs out.

Mistfall: Heart of the Mists introduces more of what made Mistfall great, making it a good entry point for new gamers, as well as a solid expansion for existing fans. With next to no elements replicated from the base set, Heart of the Mists is the perfect addition to the existing Mistfall set – and a challenging experience both solitaire, as well as with a group of up to three friends.

Gather up your resolve, check your gear and get ready to go to the smoldering heart of the unrelenting Mists!


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