Mistfall: Sand & Snow (2016)

Błażej Kubacki
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Mistfall: Sand & Snow»

Sand and Snow is an expansion that will enhance your Mistfall and Heart of the Mists experience with a set of 110 brand new cards, you can add to any of one of the sets, or use when you mix them.

What is Sand and Snow?

Let’s start with a new type of Enemy: the Lieutenant. Easily recognizable by lacking a Resolve value, a Lieutenant is an alternate version of an existing Enemy which, when eliminated, allows you to take a Reward card right out of the display. Most Enemies appearing in Mistfall and Heart of the Mists will see their Lieutenant version in the Sand and Snow expansion.

New opportunities to receive Reward cards call for (you guessed it!) more Rewards. And you will get a nice big cache of brand new General Rewards. I’ve noticed over the last year that many of Mistfall fans wanted more cool loot, and besides bringing some to the Heart of the Mists box, you can now get an even greater number of new weapons, armour and arcane items to use against the Mists.

Sand and Snow will also feature a few new Allies, and a set of Special Event cards, drawn at specific times during the game, becoming essentially more permanent versions of Encounters. If you can beat them within a few turns of the game, you might be rewarded for your effort, and if you decide to ignore them, they will come back to bite you!


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