Monster Lands: Promo Card Set (2018)

Víctor Fernández, Gorka Mata, Sergi Solé Pascual, Daniel Schloesser
Приключения, Карточная, Кубики
Драфт карт, Бросание кубиков, Переменная сила игроков, Размещение рабочих
Время игры
60 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Monster Lands: Promo Card Set»

This group of 4 Mercenaries introduces multi-color dice contributions, making the Mercenaries very versatile and powerful in the Dice Pool generation phase. The set with 4 new unique illustrations comes with a cardboard mini punch board for the respective Assignment tokens. If you backed at kickstarter monster level, you will already have the wooden tokens needed.

Brawel - Jungle Affinity that contributes a purple/yellow & purple/red dice. His talent is to reroll purple dice x3.

Krysta - Water Affinity that contributes a purple, red, and purple/red dice. Her talent is one purple die gets +3.

Mithu - Fire Affinity that contributes a purple, yellow, and red/yellow/purple dice. Cancels a monster die. At 12 cost, one of the most expensive mercenaries in the game but one of the most powerful.

Saneela - Air Affinity that contributes 2 red and 1 red/gold dice. Her ability is one red die gets +3.


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