Monuments: Ewiger Ruhm (2012)

Stefan Risthaus
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2 — 4

Описание «Monuments: Ewiger Ruhm»

Monuments: Ewiger Ruhm ("Eternal Glory"), a promotional item given away at Spiel 2012, consists of a short scoretrack counting from 1-14, and four tokens in each color, with a set of tokens showing a helment, a ship, a scroll, and a monument. Whenever a player builds or expands a monument, he uses these tokens to track the highest levels of his holdings in these four categories. If, for example, his first monument is of five cards with three ships and two helments, he'd place the monument token on five, the ship token on three, and the helmet token on two. The scoretrack always reflects the highest value you have reached ever in a game, so your token does not go down when your monuments degenerate.

In each category the player with the highest token gets additional victory points at the end of the game. In case of a tie the one is better, who has reached the highest level first. The runner-up gets a smaller reward.


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