Monuments: Heroes, Traders, and Science (2009)

Stefan Risthaus
Древность, Карточная
Очки действий, Драфт карт
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Monuments: Heroes, Traders, and Science»

This is an expansion to Monuments - Wonders of Antiquity consisting of 3 tokens, one for each symbol of the base game. Helmets = Helden (Heroes) / Ships = Händler (Traders) / Scrolls = Gelehrte (Scients).

You may use an action to buy one of the new tokens and earn 2 victory points immediately, provided that you have the majority of the matching symbol in your display. You may buy from the bank in the beginning or later from the former owner. The token does not change its owner in case of changes in majority, but only when using an action of the one who owns the most symbols to buy it.

Each token allows you to use a specific feature once each turn.
Helmets: buy an additional card for 1 victory point.
Ships: trade 1 card from your hand with one of the open 3
Scrolls: change order of monument cards when expanding this monument.

At the end of the game the tokens are worth additional 3 victory points each.


И другие бонусы.

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