Munchkin Booty D6 Dice (2010)

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Описание «Munchkin Booty D6 Dice»

The Munchkin Booty D6 Dice is a pair of 6-sided dice that were sold by themselves and in the Munchkin Booty Dice Set with a Munckin Booty Dice Bag, and a single Munchkin Booty D10 Dice.

From the Munchkin Booty D6 Dice package

If you use this die in a game of Munchkin Booty:

[Hide the Booty]

At the end of your turn you may place cards underneath your Hide Away. You can hide a number of cards equal to your level.

These card are now considered out of the game for all purposes. You may retrieve any of them at any time during your turn, except during combat.

If you lose levels discard a random card from these for each level you lose.

The rules for Munchkin Dice & Wicked Munchkin Dice do not apply to this die.

From the Munchkin Booty Dice Set package

If you use this D6 die in a game of Munchkin Booty:

If you are a pirate without a Ship, you may at any time during your turn, except during combat, take a Ship from the discard pile.

Place the die on the Ship. The Ship now has a value worth 0 Gold Pieces, but the die grants a combat bonus equal to your level. The die and the ship can be lost as any other ship.

In any other game of Munchkin the die acts as a Cheat card. Remove the die from the game after using it.

The rules for Munchkin Dice & Wicked Munchkin Dice do not apply to this die.


These dice were not properly licensed through Steve Jackson Games and were recalled almost immediately. They cannot be used in official Munchkin games.


Part of the Munchkin series


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