Nations at War: White Star Rising – Operation Cobra (2012)

Arrigo Velicogna, Matt Lohse
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Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~60 мин
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Описание «Nations at War: White Star Rising – Operation Cobra»

On July 25th, 1944 the American, British, Canadian, Free French and Polish Armies launched an offensive to eliminate the deadlock in the Norman peninsula, and launch the Allied Armies into the interior of France. The German Army, over-committed and under-equipped, was soundly defeated; thousands of its troops, in addition to much of their equipment, were captured in the Falaise pocket. In short, the offensive worked, but that doesn't do justice to the blood spilled and courage shown during the six-week battle. As with any battle, the whole is made up of an uncountable number of skirmishes, clashes and firefights. Fourteen such events make up the scenarios of White Star Rising: Operation Cobra.

White Star Rising: Operation Cobra is an expansion for the game White Star Rising in the Nations at War series. This expansion focuses on the events surrounding the Allied breakout from the Normandy beachhead in July-August 1944. Operation Cobra adds the Canadians, the Free French and the Free Polish to the Nations at War series in addition to new units for the Americans, the British, and the Germans.

White Star Rising: Operation Cobra comes with nine stand-alone scenarios, focusing on events near Falaise, as the Germans tried to escape the converging allied armies. Among the topics are the Polish stand on Mont Ormel Ridge and Canadian efforts to capture the village of St. Lambert-sur-Dives. Operation Cobra also contains a five scenario linked campaign following the breakout of American armored units during Operation Cobra near the end of July 1944.

126 Counters
Nine Scenarios
One Campaign

White Star Rising: Operation Cobra is not a stand-alone game, you will need White Star Rising first or second edition to play it.

Expands Nations at War: White Star Rising

Other Games in Series:

  • Nations at War: Desert Heat
  • Nations at War: Stalin's Triumph
  • Nations at War: White Star Rising – Airborne
  • Nations at War: White Star Rising – Operation Cobra


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